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FEAST Day 2 - great day of Networking!

Air: December 2009


Fresh Expressions and our understanding of 'church'

Tim Clapton would like to follow up our session on ecclesiology.  Feel free to post your contributions and discuss the questions Steve left with us which were quite useful:

1.  What are the values and foundations [of FX or emerging church] ?   (roots)

2.  What are the characteristics of [FX or emerging] church ?  (fruits)

3.  What gifts do we need to bring this about ?  

LSM in Fresh Expressions

We had a good discussion about Local Shared Ministry at the Fresh Expressions residential.

I particularly enjoyed the suggestion that churches/Christian communities should be represented by amoebas...

Planning a day in March...


Peter Ballantine, Tim Norwood and Keith Beech-Gruneberg met this afternoon to discuss the residential and think about the day in March. Current plans are 1:00pm to 6:00pm with sessions on ecclesiology, church planting and fresh expressions... More details soon...

Residential: How was it for you?

The residential at Felden Lodge is now over. Any reflections from those who went?

Afternoon Walk

The afternoon for the fxmk weekend has been left free. Seven of us headed off into the countryside for a walk. We managed to get to the canal and did three miles in all (according to GPS).

Back to Felden for afternnon tea...


Peter's session this morning explores the relationship between church and society - particularly in the areas of ethics and truth.
Question for fx: do we speak to culture or embrace it?

Fresh Expressions Weekend

The residential began on Friday. Although it wasn't going to be quite
the same event we had originaly planned, it should be a good
experience for those involved.

The weekend started with a session with Peter Ballantine and Tim
Clapton looking at "what is a fresh expression?"