six weeks to rediscover mission and re-imagine church New world, new church? Our world and our lives have changed radically in the last twenty years, but has the church adapted to this change? Do we need a changing church for a changing world? Are new forms of church really possible? If so, how can they be developed? mission shaped intro looks at fresh expressions of church through a mix of teaching, reflection and story. This course is an enjoyable hands-on experience combining presentations, group activity, film and music clips, worship and prayer.
The course is designed to present those changes in an informative and interactive way, and is suitable for both clergy and lay alike. The ninety minute to two hours sessions are delivered through verbal presentation, powerpoints, movie clips and stories with group participation.
While it is designed to help groups to consider the ‘mixed economy’ approach to mission, it is also an ideal Lent course for congregations and groups. It also provides a link from vision days for those who wish to discover more and for those who wish to go further through the mission-shaped ministry course.
Participants in recent pilot courses of msi commented:
‘Worthwhile coming and a challenge – opened my eyes to many things that are possible.’
‘Thank you for being affirmative and challenging my thinking and at times being inspiring and prophetic.’
The msi course has been eagerly awaited not only here in the UK but also in USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
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